It’s been awhile since we wrote on our blog so Happy New Year 2022 to all of our old and new to be customers out there! Many of our customers during this last travel season were shocked, as we were, at the quotes they received from us. One customer actually booked a flight for her teenage daughter who DIDN’T need the airline’s unaccompanied minor service. It was from a small airport in Oregon to Kansas City for $1200! Well, at least it was roundtrip LOL! So why were airfares so high this past Christmas season?

Truth to be told, many bookings for kids were priced about the same as during past years and seasons. So what happened and what is happening with the airlines that they are charging more than ever for their flights? Well, for one thing we know that we are experiencing inflation. That means that basically everything from the fuel that airplanes use to the peanuts offered on Southwest costs more for the airlines which translates to higher fares. Secondly, the airlines are still feeling a bit bearish after getting hit hard since March 2020. That means that they still are not using their full fleet. So just like everything else that is bought and sold, there was and still is a high demand for flights compared to the smaller supply…

Finally, as always we recommend you set up your next flight for your kid be it for Spring or Summer break ASAP for the reasons explained above. Thanks for reading and hope to hear from you either by text, phone or by filling out our form on our website soon!